
Showing posts from June, 2018

Stinky tofu, Winter Break, and China from Taiwan

It’s been a while since I last posted, but while I’m still in Taiwan (just over a month :’( ) I will try to add a few more posts about some of the things I’ve done this second half of the year (so many!) and maybe also a few of my own observations on Taiwan itself. To keep this from becoming a droning list, I’ll try to mix it up a bit and maybe talk about the three trips I went on during winter break a few months ago, interspersed with a few paragraphs on some other topics. To make up for a notable lack of school days off (and a tendency to replace the necessary national weekday holidays with school on Saturdays…), Taiwan rewards it’s ever hardworking students with a month off school, running from mid January to mid February. Which, it turns out, my classmates dread because it means an intense increase in homework, and few opportunities to see their friends. But for me it meant a long awaited release from monotonous, 7:30 to 5:00 school, everyday, five days a week. Not that I